Thursday, August 16, 2012

Opinions Are Like.......Annoying

(Ok, so maybe that's not the real quote, but we'll go with it.)

One of the things that first really annoyed me about Facebook (and also had me thinking I'd never blog) was that people couldn't seem to tell when I was asking for opinions and when I wasn't. It really isn't that hard as when I want opinions, I generally say in my status "What's your opinion on..." or "Anyone have any advice about...." On the occasions that my request has to do with how to get cat hair and/or chocolate out of some high-tech equipment, I tend to include a "help, help, help!" Seems pretty clear to me. 

Other times, I'm just saying something, and everyone offers their opinions and it makes me want to smack them. On the other hand, I realize that I probably offer my opinion on subjects it's not wanted, and I'm trying to break that habit. The truth is most of the time what people want is validation and/or support, not opinions and/or advice. They want to say "I hate my boss the bozo" and not get posts on how to get along with the bozo or hear that they should try to empathize with the bozo or even be told that they really shouldn't post something like that on Facebook (which you shouldn' my opinion. And I don't even have a boss. No, wait, I do have a boss, and she's a cat with very strong opinions.)

As some may have noticed, I've even started saying, "I don't want your opinion"--especially if it has to do with anti-depressants. Or President Obama. Or reasons why someone using a computer should not eat chocolate at it and also should not let a cat sleep on it. (Um, yeah. You tell her she can't sleep on something, but first, make sure you're current on your shots. )

Of course, there are also people who say they want your opinion, but they really don't and they should work on that because--in my opinion--that's pretty passive-aggressive, not to mention annoying. 

And, yes, I realize opinions and advice are two slightly different things. For instance, I don't want your opinion on the font I'm writing in because I already have my opinion and I hate it. But even when I do all the things I can think of to change it, it still looks the same, and that's also annoying.

Any advice?

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